17, 2003 marked the 100-year anniversary of the first powered, controlled,
sustained flight by Orville and Wilbur Wright from the sands of what is now the
town of Kill Devil Hills on North Carolinas Outer Banks. Flight
enthusiasts around the world joined in as the centennial was celebrated in Kill
Devil Hills at the National Park Service Wright Brothers National Memorial; in
Dayton, Ohio at the birthplace of Orville and Wilbur Wright; and in Kitty Hawk,
North Carolina, at a Monument commemorating aviation's first

Offered by Icarus
International, Inc. as an enduring legacy to the history and the beauty and
mystery of flight, this public Monument recognizes significant accomplishments
and milestones in aviation history and honors the soaring spirit of the men and
women whose aspirations spoke, and continue to speak,
so clearly of human potential. The Monument to a Century of
Flight is endorsed by the U. S. Centennial of Flight Commission, the NC First
Flight Centennial Commission, the First Flight Society, the Dare County Board
of Commissioners, the Town of Kitty Hawk, the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau, and
countless aviation enthusiasts.